0862 | 28,6 x 14,5 cm | Collage on paper | Undated
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Situation: Karl Waldmann Museum, Belgium
Subject A woman who is breast-feeding her baby has a skull instead of her head. Next to her, there are two calfs.At the bottom, you can see a procession of young girls playing the drum with a poster "Exhibition. Skating Rink in Knightsbridge": The Women's Social and Political Union fife and drum band out for the first time, 13 May 1909. On 13 May the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) opened a fortnight-long Votes for Women Exhibition, held at the Prince's Skating Rink, Knightsbridge, London.
By taking their campaign to the streets, the Women's Social and Political Union attracted maximum publicity. Identifiable by their purple, white and green colour scheme, the suffragettes became a familiar sight in central London. The move to the political heart of the nation enabled the suffragettes to maintain a constant presence in Whitehall, petitioning Downing Street, heckling M.P.s and chaining themselves to government buildings.
As the campaign became increasingly militant, over a thousand suffragettes, including Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel, Sylvia and Adela, received prison sentences for their actions. Many were sent to Holloway jail in north London where they protested against prison conditions by enduring hunger strike and force-feeding. The outbreak of the First World War brought an immediate suspension of militancy as the suffragettes threw themselves into supporting the war effort. The Women's Social and Political Union had not succeeded in achieving the vote but its campaigning style did ease the way for women to take a more active and public role in society during the war - a role that was acknowledged with the granting of the parliamentary vote to propertied women over the age of 30 in 1918.
Waldmann's signature is written in its entirety. |
Description Une femme allaitant son bébé a un crâne à la place de la tête. A côté d'elle se trouvent deux veaux.
En bas, un défilé de jeunes filles jouant du tambour avec une affiche "Exhibition. Skating Rink in Knightsbridge": Le 13 mai 1909, le groupe de tambour et de fifre de la "Women's Social and Political Union (W.S.P.U.)" défilait pour la première fois. Le 13 mai, la W.S.U.P. (suffragettes) organisèrent pendant quinze jours une exposition "Votes for Women" qui eut lieu au Prince's Skating Rink à Knightsbridge à Londres. La signature de Waldmann est écrite en entier. |
Link with other KW works / Lien avec ces autres oeuvres: same series
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Link with other KW works /Lien avec ces autres oeuvres: la signature de Waldmann est écrite en entier
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